What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural and altered state of consciousness that can be induced by a Hypnotherapist. It is a state where you are deeply relaxed and alert at the same time. People go in and out of hypnotic states everyday. For example, when you are daydreaming or so absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time, it can be said that you are in a hypnotic state.
What can hypnosis be used for?
Psychological applications include using hypnosis for anxiety control, motivation training, attitude change, self-esteem, self-confidence, depression, eating disorders, fears and phobias, memory training, nail biting, panic and performance anxiety, sexual dysfunction, sleep
disorders, stuttering, study problems, trauma counselling, thumb sucking and to stop smoking.
Hypnosis can be used for just about anything because the program can be tailored to your individual needs.
Myths about Hypnosis
There are many myths about hypnosis floating around due to the entertainment industry and media. Contrary to these myths, hypnosis is not mind control in itself, it is not sleep, you are not made to do things or say things that you do not want and you do not surrender your power. In fact, your will-power and concentration may be strengthened during hypnosis when guided by a trained professional.
Having said that, hypnosis, like any other tool, can also be used for mind-control. Therefore, be cautious as to who you choose to be your hypnotherapist.
Is Hypnosis a cure?
It depends on the individual. For some people, the symptoms never return. For others, the symptoms disappear for a while and then return later. For others, the symptoms decrease. This depends on many factors including level of hypnotizability and the causes of the symptoms. If someone doesn’t change their belief systems, lifestyle, diet, etc which are causing the symptoms, then the symptoms will resurface. Often, hypnosis is used as one of the remedies to aid changes rather than the sole method.
Am I hypnotisable?
Most people are hypnotizable on some level. There is a small percentage of people who are highly hypnotizable and they can go into surgery without an anesthetic. Then there is a small percentage of people who cannot be hypnotized. These people usually have a difficult time relaxing and trusting. Some abilities which assist with hypnotizability include imagination, attention and relaxation and of course the willingness and openness to this method. You need to trust that the suggestions being given to you will be beneficial for you therefore, check out the source first. It may take a few sessions for you to train yourself to be relaxed and self-hypnotize.
Past Life Regressions
You might have read ‘Many Lives Many Masters’ by Brian Weiss. Sometimes there may be a link to our present ailments, phobias, habits etc to a past life. Re-visiting a past life may heal trauma from that time. Some benefits have been a decrease in the fear of death, greater perspective of one’s current life, some relief to current ailments, greater understanding of ourselves, ease of grief, kinder to ourselves and others and a greater soul expansiveness experience!
How many sessions would I need?
It all depends on how hypnotizable you are. On average, it takes 3 - 6 sessions. The first session is reserved for information gathering of your background and what your purpose is for the hypnosis. If there is time left, a short practice hypnosis can be included.
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Fee: $220 per hour